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Writer's pictureCrystal Damon

Prodigy Prezley

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

Lessons from My 2-Year-Old Daughter: Embracing Intention, Patience, and Slowing Down

Being a young mom has been a whirlwind of emotions, responsibilities, and endless learning. My little daughter, Prezley, has not only brought immense joy to my life but has also become a guiding light in teaching me valuable life lessons. As I watch her navigate the world with awe-inspiring curiosity and unwavering determination, I've come to realize that even at the tender age of two, she possesses wisdom beyond her years. In this blog, I want to share the remarkable lessons I've learned from my prodigy daughter and how they have transformed my perspective on life.

Embracing Intention:

Prezley has taught me the importance of being intentional in everything I do. From the way she selects her toys to the focused way she interacts with others, she reminds me to approach life with purpose. Instead of rushing through daily tasks, I've learned to take a step back and ask myself, "What is the purpose behind what I'm doing?" This newfound intentionality has not only made me more productive but has also brought a sense of fulfillment and meaning to even the simplest of activities.

Patience is a Virtue:

Oh, how a toddler can test your patience! Prezley's insistence on doing things at her own pace has taught me the virtue of patience in its purest form. Whether it's tying shoelaces, attempting a puzzle, or trying to put on her own clothes, she approaches each task with unwavering determination, undeterred by the concept of time. Through her, I've learned that rushing through life's challenges only leads to frustration and missed opportunities for growth. Patience, as I now understand it, is not about waiting for something to happen; it's about embracing the journey and being present in each moment.

Details Matter:

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the beauty of small details. But Prezley has shown me that there is immense joy in paying attention to the minutiae. From the delicate patterns on flowers to the fascinating sound of raindrops on our windowpane, she never fails to spot and celebrate the little things. In doing so, she has opened my eyes to the wonders that surround us daily, reminding me to slow down and savor each moment. I now take time to notice the vibrant colors in a sunset, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and the feeling of warm sunlight on my skin. By embracing the details, life becomes richer and more meaningful.

Slowing Down in General:

As adults, we often find ourselves caught in the trap of constant busyness. Prezley's boundless energy and insatiable curiosity have shown me the beauty of slowing down. She's taught me that life isn't a race, but rather a collection of precious moments that deserve our full attention. Whether it's pausing to admire a ladybug or spending an afternoon snuggled up with a good book, slowing down has helped me rediscover the magic in everyday life. It has allowed me to appreciate the present moment, creating a deeper connection with myself, my daughter, and the world around me.


While being a young mom presents its fair share of challenges, my incredible daughter, Prezley, has gifted me with invaluable lessons that have transformed my perspective on life. Through her intentional approach, unwavering patience, appreciation for details, and ability to slow down, she has guided me towards a more meaningful and fulfilling existence. As I continue to navigate the journey of motherhood, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from my prodigy daughter, who reminds me daily of the extraordinary gift we call life.

As I reflect upon the lessons I've learned from my prodigy daughter, Prezley, my heart overflows with gratitude and awe. Through her innocent eyes and tender spirit, she has taught me profound truths about life and love. Each day spent in her presence is a gift—a reminder to be more intentional, patient, and present.

Prezley has shown me that life is not measured by achievements or milestones, but by the richness of our experiences and the depth of our connections. Her unwavering determination and curiosity inspire me to embrace each moment with enthusiasm and an open heart. She has reminded me that the little details—the warmth of a hug, the sweetness of a whispered "I love you," or the sparkle in her eyes as she discovers something new—are the threads that weave the tapestry of a meaningful life.

In a world that often moves at a relentless pace, Prezley's ability to slow down and appreciate the beauty around her is a lesson I will forever cherish. Through her, I have learned that it is in the stillness and simplicity that we find true joy and fulfillment. She has taught me to pause, to breathe, and to savor the beauty of life's fleeting moments.

My journey as a young mom has been transformed by the wisdom of this tiny soul who has touched my heart in ways I never thought possible. Prezley has shown me that age is not a barrier to wisdom and that the most profound lessons can come from the most unexpected sources. I am honored to be her mother and to continue growing alongside her as we navigate this incredible journey together.

In the embrace of motherhood, I have discovered that the greatest teachers often come in the smallest packages. My prodigy daughter, Prezley, has gifted me with a treasure trove of lessons that have reshaped my perspective and enriched my life. I am forever grateful for her presence and the profound impact she has had on my soul.

As I watch her play, learn, and grow, I am reminded that the journey of motherhood is not just about nurturing and guiding a child—it is also about being open to the lessons they have to teach us. Prezley has become my greatest teacher, and I will carry the wisdom she imparts with me always, cherishing the memories we create and striving to live a life that mirrors her beautiful spirit.

In the end, it is not just Prezley who is the prodigy—it is the love, resilience, and wisdom she brings into my life that make her truly extraordinary. Together, we will continue to embark on this remarkable journey, hand in hand, growing and learning from one another every step of the way.

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1 Comment

Tosca Haag
Tosca Haag
May 30, 2023

WOW! Great inspiration! Wish I had been made aware of those details when I had my children. Thank you!

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